Anne writes about herself:
My paintings are stories that unfold in oil on canvas, or in graphic works created using the cyanotype technique. I work in many thin layers, which also reflect the people who appear in the stories. It is precisely people with many layers that interest me. People who have made life choices from the heart and not with reason. I call them “The lucky people,” lucky not because they win the lottery or were born with a silver spoon in their mouth, but because they have found their talent and had the courage to live it out, and because they represent a world that is invisible to many.
The nature that surrounds me in the forest where we live plays a significant role in my paintings. It can be found in the colors, the perspective, or in the background itself. I was originally trained as an old-fashioned printmaker from the Printing Academy and Aarhus Academy of Fine Arts, but first out of necessity and later out of passion, colorful oil painting became my preferred medium.
However, in the last three years, I have returned to the graphic expression. Here, the stories come to life with the cyanotype technique, mixed with ink, watercolor, and toner baths. It is like coming home from a long journey with a backpack full of experiences that need to be turned and twisted to make sense to outsiders, and it is a good and exciting process.
I have my workshop and gallery in Ry, in Pakhuset in the old train station building. I create the cyanotypes at home in the forest in Sdr. Vissing in an old trailer.